Monday, June 09, 2008


I logged into Final Fantasy XI for the first time in months yesterday(not counting the viewer, I do that a lot).

Apparantly nothing much has changed. I don't do end game stuff, so there isn't really much for me to do. Haven't had the mood to party, either. The rest of AntiHero moved to WoW, so no one's really left. Orestia's mule left a linkshell message recently though.

What is left, is Deosil. While I don't really like it all that much, it's nice to see it still alive and kicking. Not that it matters, in any case; I don't really talk to them.

I don't know how much longer this game will last. Perhaps a few more years. For me though, I haven't really thought about seriously picking it up again. While I want to level puppetmaster, I never ever get enough motivation to do it. Xeo seems to still enjoy it though.

My mind has wandered somewhere else. It's been hovering around Warhammer, and since the recent delay, I went back to LOTRO. I'm still waiting for Warhammer to see how it goes. Depending on the circumstances, I might not even play it for long, I don't know.

That's as far as gaming is concerned. There's so much other shit to care about as well.

My diploma exam. I haven't signed up, but I think I'm going to this year. I can't imagine playing in a concert hall. It's far too overwhelming.

And then there's my theory results. I missed 3 marks to achieve merit, but I passed nonetheless. Well, it's all good, because I got the qualifications to teach piano now. All I need now is to learn how to teach and to gain experience. It might be fun, as a back up job.

Today's the first day of our two week break. And y'know the funny thing about breaks is that the school still doesn't let you off. I need to go back for at least three days this week.

I caught up with some friends today that I haven't seen in a while. Not a bad day.

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