Sunday, June 01, 2008


There are those who are kind. But often times these people get taken advantage of. It isn't a matter of whether they're weak or not, but I'd think it's more of the situation they're in and the people they're dealing with.

See, sometimes these people just try to make everyone happy. And for ones with few friends, it isn't a stretch to say that they would want to please everyone in any way possible. Of course, I don't speak for everyone.

Then there are those who just love to take advantage of that. They demand for things, borrow things and don't return and the like. This has happened one time too many, I'd say. Know that while I might have closed one eye on the matter, I'll never forget your face, because it isn't just about forgetting, it's more than that.

And then it expands to something more. Every little action, every word said has an impact on something. Different people sense and react to these differently, and for those who display nonchalance, lucky you.

I don't exactly know where I'm going with this, because I'm tired as hell, but I'll probably sort it out at a later time.

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