Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yet Another Prelude

I can't sleep.

But even though I'm here, the inspiration to write doesn't come. I think I'm now far worse with words than I once was, be it written or spoken. Though I can't say I've really been good with words, at all.

(Gets a mind block for about 5 minutes...)

New semester at school. Same old shit all over again. Not so much gut hating this time around, but it's somewhat evident in a few. Not that I care much, but how do people actually continue like this, I'd like to know.

Playing a healer in Warhammer sometimes makes you feel like shit because... people die in RvR. I guess the mindset carried over from FFXI has affected me, because in an FFXI party, you don't let people die. Of course sometimes shit happens, but generally you don't let anyone die.

And in Warhammer, well, you simply cannot save someone who is being focused fired, unless there's a few other healers healing that person as well. It's funny that you play a healer to heal, and yet in such situations you're simply too helpless to do anything to save them, except wait until they die to resurrect.

I don't really know what else to say right now. Mind's pretty empty. I guess it wasn't such a good idea to type someth- No, actually it was a good idea. It made me sleepy.

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