Tuesday, September 02, 2008

September Update

And so this semester's exams are over. It's already been a week so I'm probably not going to talk about it.

I finally got a new desktop PC after 6 years. I stayed up till morning just waiting for the FFXI updates again; was kind of eager to try it out on widescreen.

I think FFXI is finally giving a worthy update after so long. Level sync, as they call it, which allows you to level down(not delevel) to a lower level player's level temporarily and be able to fight and gain experience normally. Probably one of the nice additions with accordance to the new level sync system is the way they're going to scale down the current gear you have equipped when you level down so there's the option to not switch gear and of course, all the space we can free up by selling our low level gear.

Another thing I like is the option to keep beastmen seals with an NPC. That's really going to be a lot more free slots.

And uh, when Xeo and Wak get to 49 I'm gonna static with them on puppetmaster, I think.

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