Thursday, November 10, 2005


Okay. So we're supoosed to go to this website stated on the math worksheet, and do whatever's inside? Apparantly, it's not working. It says here... it's being hosted in a different location, and they need... donations? That's the most I make out of it. But it comes down to this - I'm not going to do it. Not when you gave us a faulty address to begin with!

So that's one task down. Now I have to type two letters explaining for the day that I was absent for Conquer 'O'. Formal letter format, with parent to initial on it. And the content is just going to be like, two lines.

Feeling kind of depressed today. What is wrong with me? It's not like anything happened.

Logged on to FFXI for a minute or so, noticed how everyone else was perfectly blended in through the chat log. Uh huh, I'm Asian, Singaporean to be more exact. I speak Chinese, and for whatever reason, people in the game have such fear of chinese-speakers. Or loathe them, as a matter of fact. Why indeed? Because, the moment they see Chinese, they associate it with gil-sellers, and gil-sellers are widely hated by people all around. Why again? Because they sell gil, and make the game unfair for everyone else.

Look at all those people with "perfect" gear. Whether they really went through infinite hours of farming or through HNMs, or merely bought the gil, I don't know. No one will know, unless they tell us. But you can be quite sure that someone who completely doesn't know what he is doing, but surprisingly decked out in stuff like Leaping Boots, Emperor Hairpin and such, has most possibly earned them through buying gil. Doesn't mean that just because you have the best gear, you're a good player. That's just wrong.

So I have controlled myself not to speak chinese much outside of the linkshell or tells. In fact, why the hell am I even speaking chinese in the linkshells? No one in there understands chinese. People raise eyebrows when I'm seen PLing chinese players, because the same old thought is in their minds. "That, is a gil-seller. Stay away." Was I wrong in PLing them? Maybe I was, but it never occured to me that they were gil-sellers. I had asked them what was the main reason they play the game, and all they say is because a friend had introduced it to them.

Once I had the chance to meet several chinese players in Valkurm Dunes. And that was when I chanced upon this all Asian Linkshell, a mixture of Singaporeans and other chinese in whatever place. I was rather surprised when I saw the people in there; some of them were notoriously referred to as none other than gil-sellers prior to that, and this is where most of them had gathered.

The most ironic thing was that a fellow chinese player had told me that the Linkshell was "bad". She told me to toss it away. Okay... so unless you're a gil-seller, you will say that it is bad. Thus, the conclusion is that not all chinese players are gil-sellers. (Right. Duh, you might think.)

Enough about that. Now that I've finally taken the chance to just spill everything out, I don't feel that bad inside anymore.

Quote: Tarfur - "We will eat like kings... and there will be cake."

Still laughing to that this very moment. I thank you for your very entertaining statements. Haha.

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