Thursday, April 23, 2009

19th May

My parents' wedding anniversary.

More importantly, my piano diploma recital examination.

They just sent me the date and venue today. It never felt this near before.

With all this shit happening in school I'm so fucking out of mood I'm not sure if I can even express my music properly.

I don't think I can. Music is so dependant on mood I cannot even express anything. I'm not a professional. I'm just someone trying to take his exam.

Stress is there, no doubt. But it isn't just that. It's about what's on your mind. And this is 30 minutes of playing, non stop. Concentration is quintissential.

I hope it gets better. I really do. If it doesn't, well, I'd have to waste one thousand bucks for my exam fees AND prepare ANOTHER repertoir considering this year's syllabus is different.

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