Saturday, November 08, 2008


This is the forth week into the semester. And forth is right, because in chinese it's also a pun for "die".

There has already been a shitload of things to do, and there are more to come. This semester is just so heightned up in terms of workload and presentations. Still, I don't think it can compare to the stress levels of our 'A' level friends.

I heard Biology so far screwed people over pretty bad. All I can say is best of luck for that and hope the remaining papers somehow salvage the situation? I don't know, don't really know how it works.

Not much more to go, so here's hoping you all live through it.

Some big patches and the public live test server coming soon on Warhammer Online. Looking forward to that.

And then I said about how I'd write about how Mister D ate beef, but really, there's nothing to talk about at all.

There's also something I've always sworn to talk about everytime I'm on my way for my piano lessons, but never did. Perhaps I'll deal with it another day.

And sleep still stalks me.

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