Monday, April 03, 2006

K for Kingdom, H for Hearts

Finally got the game four days after its original release date. I'm currently at the part before the 1000 heartless battle. Ah, 1000... that's a shitload, I must say. Still, with the nifty Reaction Commands, it'll make it faster.

Also, I got the guidebook today. Feels kinda like a waste of money, seeing how I managed to get this far without one. But, I just had to have it. The guidebook's extremely thick. I think it even surpasses Star Ocean: Till the End of Time.

The final thing to mention is that I finally watched V for Vendetta. Heh, it's a nice movie. Just look at that whole building go KABOOM while Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture(is it?) plays in the background.

Well, too tired to talk about anything else.

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