Thursday, December 22, 2005

Time flies, indeed.

Been a while.

But well, there's nothing much to talk about. I've been sick for like, 2 weeks and for the most part, was plenty bored.

And so I went ahead to max out stats in FFX, and oversouled every fiend through Via Infinito in FFx-2. And ugh, I'm at 99% completion. Where's the freaking 1% I missed!

Now, with less than 2 weeks left until school reopens, I wonder if I should get some work done. But the sight of books... Ugh.

My left ear is apparently "blocked". You know how sometimes it happens, and when you yawn and "pop", it clears itself. But it isn't working for me this time. It's been four days now, and I still can't hear things clearly.

Anyway, time for breakfast.


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