Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Er... Whatever

Day off yesterday, so I practically devoted the entire day to FFXI.

Woke at 7AM, and by 9 I was already in a TP Burn party. Shortly after it ended, I joined a Manaburn party. Got 74, and we disbanded. And then it was lag time in Besieged. Another one happened shortly after. 2 more TP Burns after that. By then it was exactly 12 midnight.

All that for a total of about 64,000 exp.

Good. It's the last day of school tomorrow. Minus the Conquer 'O's and whatnots, that is.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Verklempt... XD

Electrolysis is such a wonderful topic.

I mean, seriously, I don't understand a damn thing about it. As for the test, I can safely say that I'll get less than 5, over 25.

Today one of my friends was like... I'll ransack your bag since you're ransacking mine. Don't even ask why I was ransacking it. And he found the book I hadn't returned to him in months. All of a sudden he's like, WTF did you do to my book!? I stared at it for a while, and was thinking, "eh, it's just the bottom corner of the spine, you know, when you place it in your bag for too long and the edge starts crumbling a little..." So yeah, whatever. He just got mad, really mad. And exclaimed "You shall not be forgiven!", and left.

Right, I see...

No honestly, I don't get it. Like maybe he developed an emotional attachment to the book or something, I don't know. Whatever it is, right now, I don't give a damn. I just want to rant, and then forget about it. >.>

The new Digimon Savers looks pretty good. I like how the anime begins. It looks promising. Heh, it should be, after all the people did to make Bandai continue the production with Digimon. I signed the petition too.

Ah, just the other day I recall standing outside of the classroom during English lessons. Obviously, it's a punishment, but I liked it. It's more breezy and airy. And we don't have to sit in the dreadful room, listening to the teacher go on and on with a boring teaching method. But I doubt this so called punishment is any worse than what some of the others had had.

Right now, bored. Logging into FFXI in a while, I guess.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I wanted to take a nap in the afternoon today after returning home from school, but I ended up sleeping...

Until 9P.M.

Bah, now I can't sleep.

I missed lunch, I almost missed dinner, and even then I didn't eat much.

Heh, can't be more excited when SquareEnix has officially announced Final Fantasy XIII for PS3. It's still a long way though.

Wanted to add a link to that, but this Blogger server doesn't seem to work well right now. Had to refresh 5 times to get to the sign in page, and another 10+ just to type this. Now I wonder if it'll even get through. >.>


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Past and Pending

Been busy leveling Blue Mage lately, no time to get on here. Haven't gotten very far though. Still at 23, because it's hard to get a party with the shit loads of blue mages on the server. "Blue-burn" works, but I never liked to be the one who starts a party. But well, it's a fun job.

Partied with my bard for the first time in like 5 months. Kinda messed up the macros at the beginning, but gradually got the momentum. We camped at moon, but the EXP. wasn't too good. It was a nice for a start though; no deaths and all that.

Martin logged on for the first time in months. Was sure glad to see him. Too bad the new expansion is not released in Europe yet (according to him).

Biology test tomorrow, but I don't feel like studying. Just came back from piano masterclass, and my mood is just not there. >.> Actually, I don't even feel like doing anything. <.< Bah.

Off topic, The Past and Pending by The Shins is a really good song... =D